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Berikut daftar presenter pada konferensi ilmiah baik nasional maupun internasional.

  1. 2024 | Adapting Human Resources Management to the Digital Age: The Role of Gamifıcation and E-Recruitment. 9th International CEO and Social Sciences Congress (CEOSSC), Esil University, Kazakhstan. [Sertifikat]
  2. 2023 | Digital Document Management Information System (Si-MADODI) Based on a Website. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (ICCSET) by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus. [Sertifikat]
  3. 2021 | The Effect of Land Change on Urban Heat Island: Case Study of Bekasi Regency. International Symposium for Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) 20th Anniversary the INternational Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment (INCREASE) and the 6th Asia Research Node (ARN) by LAPAN/BRIN - Kyoto University. [Sertifikat]
  4. 2018 | A Review of Simulation Urban Growth Model. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence & Applications (ISCIA 2018) by Society for Advancement of Science and Technology (SAST), Malaysia. [Sertifikat]